

  • P1-49
    原田 康也 (早稲田大学)
    坪田 康 (京都工芸繊維大学)
    鍋井 理沙 (東海大学)
    赤塚 祐哉 (早稲田大学)
    森下 美和 (神戸学院大学)
    The authors have collected audio and video recordings of students interacting among themselves in tasks intended to help them acquire communicative skills in English. Observation and analysis of those recordings strongly suggest that existence of “other students” and interactions with them are crucial factors in making it possible for the learners to attain those goals in autonomous mutual learning. In this presentation, we will focus on the importance of “noises”, chit-chats, murmurs and repetitions of what other students uttered that we find in interactions among those students. Those “noises” are important aspects of their interactions, through which students support themselves.