Pragmatics-based Analysis of Japanese Complex Sentences Conjuncted with NODE (because) or NONI (although)

中川 裕志 NAKAGAWA Hiroshi

Vol.2, No.3 (August 1995), pp.81-90. Received 1994/9/25, accepted 1995/5/1.

ABSTRACT: For semantics of Japanese complex sentence which represents psychological causality, we introduce a new pragmatic role called observer for the purpose of clarifying the constraints among semantic roles of subordinate and the subject of main clauses. In this paper, we are concerned mainly with Japanese complex sentences whose subordinate clause is connected by conjuntive particle NODE or NONI.
keywords: 日本語複文 Japanese Complex Sentence,意味役割 Semantic Role, 観察者 Observer,語用論 Pragmatics
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