動機と視点の係わり ---「ので」「のに」接続の日本語複文の場合
Interdependency between Point of View and Motivation --- Japanese NODE and NONI Complex Sentences Case

中川 裕志 NAKAGAWA Hiroshi

Vol.2, No.2 (May 1995), pp.61-76. Received 1994/4/13, accepted 1995/1/9.

ABSTRACT: In the long tradition of study of Japanese complex sentence's semantics, one of the powerful methods to identify relations that hold among grammatical and/or semantic roles which appear in the main or subordinate clause, is the use of constraints about the so called point of view. Another promising way for the same problem is the use of constraints that relate the person who is known to have a certain motivation from the contents of the subordinate clause to a person who acts as the main clause describes. In this paper, we first summarize these two ways, and then we analyze the relationship between these. In sum, if there is no confliction between the results from these two ways of analysis, both of them are vital. If there is a confliction between them, the results from the point of view analysis overrides the motivation based analysis. The combination of these two analyses under this consideration gives us much more powerful and detailed prediction about the semantics in Japanese complex sentences.
keywords: 視点 point of view,日本語 Japanese language,複文 complex sentences, 語用論 pragmatics,動機 motivation
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