問題解決過程における感情の発生と解消の 論理的メカニズムの提案
A Logical Inference Model of Emergence and Dissolution of Emotion in a Problem Solving Process

藤田 米春 FUJITA Yoneharu・西島 恵介 NISHIJIMA Keisuke

Vol.1, No.2 (Novermber 1995), pp.59-63. Received 1994/2/18, accepted 1994/8/10.

ABSTRACT: This paper reports a case study of a logical inference model of emotion applied to chagrin. Chagrin caused by a failure in executing a plan is examined from a problem solving view point. When a state of chagrin arises, people try to be released from it by means of behavior patterns such as those depicted in Aesop's fable of sour grapes. In additon, a logical dependency relation among knowledge units employed in this process is described.
keywords: 感情 emotion,論理 logic,モデル化 modeling
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